Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mona Stipe


  1. The broken face is great broken and I like that it is sewn together to keep the composition connected. I like the creativity of it. This pieces as a whole seems like a beginning of a piece, although it is heading in a good direction. Maybe incorporate pieces of the body together. Try to sketch and plan before creating so that you can figure out the composition of a final piece.

  2. The piece has very interesting parts, and I really liked the part that is sewn together. It was also more interesting when it was rotated. I think that the balance of all the pieces would have been achieved as you continued to work on it, because each piece is very interesting, I just didn't feel that they reached the point of balancing each other out yet.

  3. I really like your use of color in this piece. The sepia is balanced well with the tonal greys. The composition seems a bit scattered but overall the positions of the collage pieces are interesting.

  4. The sewn parts seem to be the most interesting part of your piece, your figure looks a bit like it's floating. It has mass but not weight. The floating head seems to have an arbitrary placement, the cut out of the head clashes with the soft blending in the background.

  5. I love your color palate and there are some very interesting parts in your drawing for instance the blown apart face. The only I would recommend is working on balance and strong composition. My eyes do not know where to look.

  6. When I first approached this piece, I had the urge to move it around. Like I mentioned in class, I think that this piece would would well mounted on something that the either rotated, or that the viewer could rotate themselves. Each time the image is rotated, a different composition emerges which creates a new narrative. It is a truly interactive work to me.

  7. I like the color and sketchy quality of this piece. The sewn together head is very effective and adds a lot to the piece. I would just suggest thinking a little more about composition, and a way to tie all the different elements more closely together.

  8. The colors you used seem to work well together. I liked the sewn together face.It does seem like there should be more to the piece, though. The floating head made the piece kind of confusing for me.

  9. I love the sewn together face. I feel that is the strong part of this piece. It looks great and invokes a sense of disarray. The figure composed in the bottom left also looks really great. The only problem is that piece does not seem like one cohesive work. The other elements seem to be there to fill up space and not to complement each other.

  10. I love the thread aspect of this. the colors are really nice and the piece is really nice and complete because of it.

  11. I enjoyed the symmetry of your piece with color and angles. The distorted/sewn face makes the piece more purposefully surreal. I think that if there were some way to ground your eyes and head in the right corner it would lend more to the aesthetic. As they are, I think there could be more done with the organization of the figures in your piece.

  12. I think your piece needs to be more cohesive, it looks disconjointed because of all the floating elements. I love the colors and I like the drawing they are very nice

  13. Very successful transferring technique. The faces sewn together holds a cool visual sort of design. The different ranges in darks and light came out really well. This is a very distorted and surreal piece.

  14. The individual components of your piece don't really relate completely with each other, but i think if they did, the piece would lose a bit of its disconnected charm. As is the case with the re-sewn face, the piece gains its strength from a sort of reassembly of broken, disjointed parts. I find myself constantly rotating my head in order to see the piece from a different orientation. It might be interesting to mount this on a rotating panel, so that the viewer can turn it at will. Great job!
