Saturday, April 13, 2013

Julia Shahvar


  1. I enjoy how you made your self portrait into a abstract piece. I feel that this has much more meaning then just an assignment and wish I was able to read your artist statement.

  2. The fragmentation of yourself is an interesting concept, i like the living part of your face contrasted with the skull. I think you could have pushed the concept or colors more.

  3. Reminds me of broken glass. I really can't say if it is a portrait or not but i definitely love the random destructive kind of elements to the piece.

  4. Nice abstract composition. I like your mark making here too. I would have liked to have seen brighter colors used along with these subtle colors, but overall, this piece has a nice feel.

  5. I agree, I think that more saturated colors would have added to your piece. This is important because you chose to not use value on your face (it is completely linear). As a whole, your piece has an unfinished quality about it because it is so muted and lacking either detail or texture.

  6. I agree that this piece seems unfinished, like the beginning sketches. It can be pushed further in either color or value (black / white). I like your fragmentation for the portrait because portraits don't have to be figurative, but can have other elements as well. Although the composition is broken up by lines, the collage of figurative images still seem to be connected to one another.

  7. Very nice abstraction of inner and outer persona. I would agree that more color would make this piece come to life more.

  8. Interesting composition, it seems a little foreboding. The right reminds me of shattered glass and there is some symbolism from the the skull and hand that I'm picking up on. The penmanship is good and adds to that uneasy sketchy feeling. Your eye is great, but I think your forehead comes off as short (don't know what angle you drew from). Is the hand a muscular rendition of your own? Just curious. Adding some object to the right side would have balanced the piece a bit more. Great job.

  9. like how this piece has an abstract feel to it, which is an interesting way to do a self portrait so that is very successful.

  10. i think this piece is excellent. i really like the dead pale colors juxtaposed with the bright red swatch in the top right, just like your living face is contrasted with the stripped down skull and hands. I do have an aesthetic response to the piece, but i wish i could read the artist statement/hear you talk about how you made it to figure out what you were thinking when you made it(though i know we didn't do a full critique in class).

  11. I like your use of watercolor and the sketchy black marks at the top look great. More contrast and values would really help the piece stand out more.

  12. It reminds me of broken glass, the way your face is fragmented. I like the soft effect of the water color. Subtle and goes well with the jagged lines and triangular shapes.

  13. Julia Shahvar- I love the collaged effect of your piece, I just wish I knew the meaning behind it! Values great! lines bold.
