Saturday, May 4, 2013

Yvonne Gandert



  1. I like how smooth this piece looks. The colors you chose work really nicely with the piece.

  2. I think you focused too much on the face which looks cartoonish and very unnatural. The shading clings to the edged of the form unrealistically instead of contouring and shaping the form in a three-dimemsional way. The smoothness of the paint comes across and the overall composition is working well with the size and position of the figure.

  3. Nice use of smooth brushstrokes. I think the proportions may be a little off on the hips and the width of the legs.

  4. The softness of this piece is lovely. I think that your choice is background has worked against the continuity of this piece. The figure seems to stand out and doesn't belong in the space that you've put her in. Unless, of course, that was a conscious choice that you made--in that case, it worked out. The shadow at the back of her legs/buttocks, doesn't seem to work very well. I'm not sure why though. Take another look at this area in relation to your background.

  5. The smooth quality of this piece is really nice; it has a buttery feel to me which I enjoy. I would just like to see more texture in the pillows and maybe more variation in color; maybe a patterned pillow would help.

  6. You have a very smooth and unique style. I like the blending that you have done with the dark darks and bright lights in her skin. Her limbs are a bit elongated but it seems to work stylistically as a whole. I like the colors you have chosen for your pillows, I think adding some texture or pattern to them could give the overall piece more variance.

  7. I love the smooth brush strokes you used to, the figure its self looks almost airbrushed and perfect. The highlights and low-lights in your figures body work well also. However the royal blue/ butter yellow in the back ground seem to through me off a bit.

  8. It is a very smooth and refined piece and the colors are mixed very well. I do find the color blocks of the background to be a little incongruous with the figure.

  9. I like the colors you chose, though I might have picked a more subdued color than blue to create a more evenly toned piece. Your shadows and highlights are very good. The eyes seem a bit too bright and the proportions seem s bit off, especially on her left leg.

  10. I like the yellow in your background. It looks great, although it does seem to make the figure stand out less. Your depiction of the figure is good. I like your blacks and your mid tones. Maybe add more contrast throughout the figure to make it really pop and stand out.

  11. I really enjoy the blending and smooth style of this piece. Her hips seem rather large though, so I feel proportions may need to be checked again in her lower body. The colours work well with each other, and the blue adds enough pop to keep the image interesting despite the low-energy calm yellows. I am a little bothered by the framing of this image though; it's hard to fix things like that during paintings, but I would like for either her whole body-feet included- to be in the image, or a more dramatic crop.

  12. I love how smooth every thing is and the blue color and patterns make the painting stand out. The proportions were done well and the face looks astounding with all the little highlights and shadows. The use of dark shadows give a strong sense of depth onto the figure.

  13. I love the face and the overall style of the piece it is excellently done
