Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homework: 3/26

Welcome to working with COLOR!! For your homework I want you to fill a page with a single self-portrait done from life (use a mirror! NO CHEATING!!):

1. Must show full figure (head to toe, it can be straight on but you can ALSO be creative in posture, framing, composition. think about your image in the frame)

2. Must use color, AS TRUE TO LIFE AS POSSIBLE, no black or white (unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, and I WILL be looking for your molding 3-dimensional mass on a 2-dimensional picture plane!! Where are your mid-tones? Shadow areas? Reflective highlights?)

3. Look for those subtle shifts in value and temperature! Draw what you SEE, not what you know to be true! If your tool is too big and you are too far away for details like pupils and fingernails DO NOT INCLUDE THEM! Do not force the image!

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