Thursday, February 21, 2013

Artist Statement, Huy Phan


- I find the author's work effective because she attempts to incorporate her subjects personality through her pieces. Each piece used for the collage is chosen specially to represent the subject in a certain way.

-I believe her portraits are a little bland compared to her more abstract collages. Her portraits seem to be missing something. On the other hand her abstractions seem substantial and complete.

- In her statement the author doesn't seem to appeal to a certain audience. It seems as though the audience is herself. She creates these meanings in the collages and each part of the collage and seems to do it for her own enjoyment. Her intended audience could be groups of people who are aware of her intentions.

-In this piece the composition is very symmetrical. There is a contrast between the figure and the background due to the colors and pieces used for creation. Overall, I feel as though the piece is a bit weak and needs more to establish itself as a finished piece.

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