Thursday, February 14, 2013

Homework 2/14: Happy Valentines everyone!

There are TWO PARTS to your homework this weekend:

As we are working on gestures, and love comes in all sorts of different packages, I want you to work on a collecting a few different sketches for next Tuesday. ALL should be 2-3 minute sketches if possible (or longer, your choice):

5 one-person sketches
5 two-person sketches
5 three (or more) person sketches

REMEMBER: The more people you have in a sketch the more complications you will come across. The two figures do NOT have to be touching, but must be interacting in frame (for example can be seated together on a bench, working at a desk, etc)

You may inform the people you are drawing them, but you should not take more than 2-3 minutes to get each sketch.


I want you to find four examples of COLLAGE/ COMPOSITE (layered) work, any static, 2-D media.
OBVIOUSLY these need to be figurative in nature!!
Post these to the blog.

Good luck!!

See you next week!

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