Sunday, February 3, 2013

Homework: 01/29/2013
Marking Making Examples

Expressive Line:

Edgar Degas, The Bath, pastel on paper, 1890s

Baccio Bandinelli, Three Male Nudes, Pen & Ink, 16th-century

Architectural Line: 

Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, Study of a Female Nude, black & white chalk, c. 1810

"The Idolino" or Statue of a Young Man, Classical Greek, Bronze, c. 450-300 bce


Mosaic of Justinian (detail view), c. 546 ce

Young Deok Seo, Anguish 2, Metal Chain, 2011


Stephanie Metz, Shameless, Felted Wool, 2003

Daniel Kornrumpf, Brooklyn Bobby, Hand Embroidery on Linen, 2007

Open Choice: 

Andrea Mantegna, Saint Sebastian, Oil on Wood, c. 1457-1459 ce

Fernando Vicente, Carne d'Amour, Acrylic on Canvas

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