Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homework: 1/31


Transfer mark-making research to APPROPRIATE POST!!!
Add LABELS! (your name, artist name, medium, etc)

Finish MASTER COPY/ MASTER STUDY. Come to class with TWO CRITICAL QUESTIONS you want addressed by the class during critique. They will NOT be posted here before the critique, but will be posted for response afterward.

REMEMBER: You do not have to bring anything written about your artist to class (but can if it helps), but you will be asked to talk about his/ her CONTEXT (who, what, when, where, why, how).

Good luck! Can't wait to see what you all have come up with!
Homework 1/29:
Find 10 figurative images focusing on MARK-MAKING. We are looking for CONTEXT for the study of the figure. This is research to help expand your own practice.

10 IMAGES (focused on MARK-MAKING). Look for examples of the following:

2 Expressive
2 Architectural/ Constructive
2 Alternative Artists
2 Non-Painting/ Drawing
2 Open Choice